火曜日, 3月 23, 2010

A Great Turning Point......

It been couples of weeks, since my newly awarded job, which was totally out of my expectation. A major diverse of my career path, from mechanical engineering with wrench and oily machine, to administration work of tie and blazer...

As I'm a JPA scholar, which makes me no choice but to accept the PTD position at government sector. PTD stand for "administrator and diplomat officer". Being called to report duty at the 5th day of Chinese New Year, which make my mood out of hell.......

I went there without knowing which ministry I'm working for.......The first day JPA through me to PMD, "Prime minister department", then hanging there for couples of days, then being kicked again to MACC......That's not cool, indeed, still gotta go......and hanging in MACC library for another couples of days, and finally being posted at financial department...........

If viewed from another angle, that's nothing wrong to join government as it servant. We are Malaysia, indeed, we should be proud of it, which normally people don't, especially different colour of skin......

People over there are not as bad as I thought, in my previewed mind setting "default". They are quite nice and friendly, my immediate boss was so care about me, which is good as I'm still newbie and noob there........In term of security, It is more secured then ever imagine, with bla bla bla..........

And Christian, for the first time, I'm being so close with it.........

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